Beautiful pics of A.J. Mendez and Africa Zavala feet & legs

AJ Almasi was born Andrea Almasi at Hendersonville in Tennessee the 6th of June 1985. Almasi was Briefcase Model Number. 19 during the premiere season of NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal that aired in December 2005. Growing up living in Hendersonville, Tennessee as an awkward "tom-boy" sporting glasses and braces, AJ was never convinced that this was something she could accomplish however, at the same that she is a fan of it. The people she has surrounded herself with have told her that she's "bubbly" and has the potential to accomplish anything if she is convinced. Almasi changed into a gorgeous, glamorous girl when she moved to Los Angeles for a modeling and acting career. She got an appearance as among the Briefcase Models in the new NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal during it's Premiere week (aired from December 19-23, 2005) Aj Almasi was born in the name of Andrea Almasi. Aj Almasi is an actor who is most well-known in the series Deal or No Deal, Bikini locations (2003), and The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson, (2005). She was on the show with Briefcase AJ is focused on her modeling and acting career in Los Angeles and wants to do more.

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